According to the National Highway Safety Administration, more than 10,000 people die each year in alcohol related traffic accident, approximately one individual every hour.
While law enforcement are always running campaigns to prevent DUI related incidents, especially around holidays such as the spring break, St. Patrick’s Day and Easter, there are still many individuals who do not understand the risks of driving drunk or while impaired. Both DWI and DUI are serious criminal offenses, and can lead to dramatic consequences.
A DUI or driving under the influence criminal offense assumes operating a motor vehicle with a blood alcohol level over the legal state limit. If you are arrested and charged of a DUI, the state authorities will prosecute you accordingly. First offenders usually lose their license for 1 year and are mandated outpatient alcohol abuse program and probation.
Multiple DUI’s will attract even more significant punishments. Moreover, if an individual is killed as a result you will too be charged with vehicular manslaughter. As you can see, this is a serious offense that can have serious consequences, so you should always avoid drinking and driving. If you are accused of DUI, make sure you find the best DUI defense attorney to represent you and strategize your defense.
Regarding DWI or driving while impaired, the legal punishment can be even more severe in comparison to a DUI. If you are found guilty of a DWI, you will be charged with drinking and driving. The legal consequences of a DWI often include time in jail, federally mandated alcohol treatment programs and the loss of your driver’s license for a significant amount of time.
Given how serious criminal offenses DUI and DWI are, and the potential fatal consequences, please always avoid driving while under the influence of drugs or alcohol. In addition, hire specialized criminal legal counsel whenever you are in the situation of being accused of such a criminal offense.
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